An enabling environment in which businesses thrive should include young people with the right entrepreneurial mindset, exposure to effective entrepreneurial education and training, access to capital and friendly macroeconomic policies that enable innovation and entrepreneurship.
Therefore, we support organisations working actively in these areas as part of our efforts to raise conscientious business leaders capable of contributing meaningfully to the development of society
We believe that if we support the right people doing the right things for long enough, there will be a positive, tangible impact on society.
As such we are committed to sponsoring organisations who understand the value of ethics in business and are actively working to promote these principles in young aspiring business leaders. By so doing, we hope to influence the practice of ethical business leadership and effect positive, long lasting impact on society.
Good economic reform is attained when government, private sector, and public-sector players are constructively engaged on key development issues.
As such, we support organisations that have a successful track record of fostering public-private sector dialogue, thus, creating an enabling environment for businesses to thrive.
Although the ACA Foundation was created to broaden the nation-building work of its founding partners, the ultimate selection of implementation partners for various projects is by invitation only and is according to strict guidelines that ensure effective and efficient use of our limited resources. We work closely with the following partner organisations and provide both financial and strategic support where necessary.